Kent Van Cleave's Social Psychology Files

These are slides and lectures from past social psychology classes. They are copyright 2020, by A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. They may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. Files may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from these files is a violation of copyright law.

GENOVESE.PPT is a presentation about Kitty Genovese and bystander inaction. The Genovese murder triggered extensive research into the bystander effect. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

EYEWITNESS.PPTX is a presentation about Eyewitness Testimony, a subject largely pioneered by Elizabeth Loftus. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

ATTITUDES.PPT is a presentation about attitude formation and social influence on attitudes. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

AGGRESSION.PPT is a presentation about aggresion and social influence on aggression. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

GROUP.PPT is a presentation about behavior in groups. This topic is quite important in the work world. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

POLITICS.PPT is a presentation about the social psychology of politics and political behavior. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

HELP.PPT is a presentation about the social psychology of helping behavior. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

GENDER.PPT is a presentation about the social psychology of gender. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

SOCINFLUENCE.PPT is a presentation about the social psychology of social influence. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

PREJUDICE.PPT is a presentation about the social psychology of prejudice. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

SELF.PPT is a presentation about social influences on ego and self. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

SOCIALCOG.PPT is a presentation about social influences on how we think and perceive the wrold around us. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

PERSPERCEP.PPT is a presentation about social influences on how we perceive others. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

THEORIESMETHODS.PPT is a presentation about the major theories and methods of research in social psychology. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

SPSYANDLAW.PPT is a presentation about the social psychology of law. This file has not been edited recently. This file may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. This file may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author ( Plagiarism from this file is a violation of copyright law.

My Class Slides are slides and lectures from past classes.

Student Success Slides are files I created to foment student success.

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